SEC-ADW-535-2 Technical Brochure
3.4.Polyamide parts Flexible Hose Polyamide 5/3mm 3.4.Polyamide parts Flexible Hose Polyamide 5/3mm 3.4. olya ide parts Flexible Hose Polyamide 5/3mm
FH 5/3 PA 25 Flexible Hose to connect the ADW detection unit with the sensor part (Cu, St, PTFE) of the sensing tube. (reel 25m). To be used together with stiffener sleeve SS 3 CuZn or SS 3 St. Technical data Diameter outside: 5 mm Diameter inside: 3 mm Length: 25 m Material: polyamide FH 5/3 PA 25 Flexible Hose to connect the ADW detection unit with the sensor part (Cu, St, PTFE) of the sensing tube. (r el 25m). To be used together with s iffener sleeve SS 3 CuZn or SS 3 St. Technical data Diameter outside: 5 mm Diameter inside: 3 mm Length: 25 m Material: polyamide H 5/3 PA 25 Flexible Hose to connect the ADW detection unit with the sensor part (Cu, St, PTFE) of the sensing tube. (reel 25m). To be used together with stiffener sleeve SS 3 CuZn or SS 3 St. Technical data Diameter outside: 5 mm Diameter inside: 3 mm Length: 25 m Material: polyamide
SEC-FH 5-3 PA 25 Flexible Hose to connect the ADW detection unit with the sensor part (Cu, St, PTFE) of the sensing tube. (reel 25m). To be used together with stiffener sleeve SEC-SS 3 CuZn or SEC-SS 3 St. Flexible Hose Polyamide 5/3mm
Stiffener sleeve brass for FH 5/3 PA SS 3 CuZn Stiffener sleeve brass for FH 5/3 PA SS 3 CuZn Stiffener sleeve brass for FH 5/3 PA S 3 CuZn
Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA
SEC-SS 3 CuZn Stiffener sleeve for SEC-FH 5-3 PA Stiffener sleeve brass for FH 5/3 PA
Technical data Material: Packaging unit: Technical data Material: Packaging unit: Technical data Material: Packaging unit:
brass 10 pieces brass 10 pieces 10 pieces
Stiffener sleeve stainless steel for FH 5/3 PA SS 3 St Stiffener sleeve stainless steel for FH 5/3 PA SS 3 St Stiffener sleeve stainless steel for FH 5/3 PA S 3 St
Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Technical data Material: Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Tech ical data Material: Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Technical data Material:
SEC-SS 3 St Stiffener sleeve for FH 5/3 PA Stiffener sleeve stainless steel for FH 5/3 PA
stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel
INSTALLATION MATERIAL 4. Installation material Pipe clamp PC 5/6 PA 4. Installation material Pipe clamp PC 5/6 PA 4. Installation material Pipe clamp PC 5/6 PA To mount the sensing tube. echnical data For pipe diameter:
To mount the sensing tube. Technical data For pipe diameter: To mount the sensing tube. Technical data For pipe diameter: emperature range: Material: Temperature range: Material: Packaging unit: Temperature range: Packaging unit: Packaging unit: PC 5/6 St To mount the sensing tube. PC 5/6 St To mount the sensing tube. PC 5/6 St To mount the sensing tube. Technical data F r pipe diameter: Material:
5 mm
SEC-PC 5-6 PA To mount the sensing tube. Pipe clamp
5 mm polyamide 100 pieces polyamide 100 pieces -40 to +85°C polyamide 100 pieces 5 mm -40 to +85°C -40 to +85°C
Pipe clamp
Pipe clamp
Pipe clamp
SEC-PC 5-6 St To mount the sensing tube. Pipe clamp
5 mm
Technical data For pipe diameter: Technical data For pipe diameter: Material: Packaging unit: Material: Packaging unit:
5 mm 10 pieces 10 pieces 5 mm stainless steel stainless steel
Pipe clamp
Securiton Product Catalogue 20 Securiton Product Catalogue 20 stainless steel Securiton Product Catalogue 20 10 pieces
20 20 20
Packaging unit: PC 5/6 StG To mount the sensing tube. With brass stiffener. (delivery unit 10 Pipe clamps and 10 brass stiffener) PC 5/6 StG To mount the sensing tube. With brass stiffener. (delivery unit 10 Pipe clamps and 10 brass stiffener) PC 5/6 StG To mount the sensing tube. With brass stiffener. (delivery unit 10 Pipe clamps and 10 brass stiffener) echnical data For pipe diameter:
Pipe clamp
Pipe clamp
SEC-PC 5-6 StG To mount the sensing tube. With brass stiffener. (delivery unit 10 Pipe clamps and 10 brass stiffener) Pipe clamp
5 mm
Technical data For pipe diameter: Technical data For pipe diameter: Material: Packaging unit: Material: Packaging unit:
5 mm brass brass 10 pieces 10 pieces 10 pieces 5 mm brass
Material: ADW Sensing tube cleaning and mainte ance set ACMS 535 Packaging unit: ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set ACMS 535 ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set ACMS 535
ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set
SEC-ACMS 535 ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set. ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set
ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set
ADW Sensing tube cleaning and maintenance set
NSW 02 9644 7144 QLD 07 3252 5366 VIC 03 9544 2211 WA 08 9349 2972
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