SEC-ADW-535-2 Technical Brochure

End plug for SJ 6/4 PVDF SJ 6/4 PVDF is not included and has to be ordered separate. Technical data Material: polyvinylidene fluoride P 6/4 PVDF End plug for SJ 6/4 PVDF SJ 6/4 PVDF is not included and has to be ordered s parate. Technical data Material: polyvinylidene fluoride EP / PVDF End plug for SJ 6/4 PVDF SJ 6/4 PVDF is not included and has to be ordered separate. Technical data Material: polyvinylidene fluoride P 6/4 PVDF End plug for SJ 6/4 PVDF SJ 6/4 PVDF is not included and has to be ordered separate. Technical data Material: polyvinylidene fluoride P 6/4 PVDF End plug for SJ 6/4 PVDF SJ 6/4 PVDF is not included and has to be ordered separate. Technical data Material: polyvinylidene fluoride

End plug PVDF for SJ 6/4 PVDF End plug PVDF for SJ 6/4 PVDF


T-Junction PVDF for TU 6/4 PTFE T-Junction PVDF for TU 6/4 PTFE T-Junction PVDF for TU 6/4 PTFE T-Junction PVDF for TU 6/4 PTFE T-Junction PVDF for TU 6/4 PTFE

TJ 6/4 PVDF T-Junction for TU 6/4 PTFE Technical data Material: J 6/4 PVDF -Junction for TU 6/4 PTFE Technical data Mate ial: TJ 6/4 PVDF T-Junction for TU 6/4 PTFE Technical data Material: J 6/4 PVDF T-Junction for TU 6/4 PTFE Technical data Material: J 6/4 PVDF T-Junction for TU 6/4 PTFE T chnical data Material:

SEC-TJ 6-4 PVDF T-Junction for SEC-TU 6/4 PTFE T-Junction PVDF for SEC-TU 6/4 PTFE

polyvinylidene fluoride polyvinylidene fluoride polyvinylidene fluoride polyvinylidene fluoride polyvinylidene fluoride

Reduction compression ferrule for SJ 6/4 CuZn-FH 5/3 PA RE 6-5 CuZn Reduction compression ferrule for SJ 6/4 CuZn-FH 5/3 PA E 6-5 CuZn Reduction compression ferrule for SJ 6/4 CuZn-FH 5/3 PA RE 6-5 CuZn Reduction compression ferrule for SJ 6/4 CuZn-FH 5/3 PA E 6-5 CuZn Reduction compression ferrule for SJ 6/4 CuZn-FH 5/3 PA E 6-5 CuZn Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn) AD 5/6 CuZn-Set Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl SJ 6/4 , S4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn) AD 5/6 CuZn-Set Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn) AD 5/6 CuZn-Set Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn) D 5/6 CuZn-Set Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, S 3 CuZn) D 5/6 CuZn-Set T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) TJ 6/4 CuZn-Set T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) TJ 6/4 CuZn-Set T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) TJ 6/4 CuZn-Set T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn-Set T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn-Set Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) SJ 6/4 CuZn-Set Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn-Set Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn- et Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn-Set Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) J 6/4 CuZn-Set

Reduction compression ferrule for FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SJ 6/4 CuZn or TJ 6/4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Reduction compression ferrule for FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SJ 6/4 CuZn or TJ 6/4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Reduction compression ferrule for FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SJ 6/4 CuZn or TJ 6/4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Reduction compression ferrule for FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SJ 6/4 CuZn or TJ 6/4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass R duction compression ferrule for FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SJ 6/4 CuZn or TJ 6/4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Adapter set to connect the flexible hose FH 5/3 PA 25 from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn Technical data Material: Adapter set to connect the flexible hose FH 5/3 PA 25 from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn Technical data Material: Adapter set to connect the flexible hose FH 5/3 PA 25 from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn Technical data Material: Adapter s t to connect the flexible hose FH 5/3 PA 25 from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn Technical data Material: Adapter set to connect the flexible hose FH 5/3 PA 25 from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn Technical data Material: brass: brass: brass: brass: brass: T-Junction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass T-Junction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass T-Junction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass T-Junction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass T-Ju ction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. S t includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass End plug set to close the end of the Teflontube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass SC 6/4 PTFE 5 Set F r i stallat on in sensing tubes for the monitoring of critical sources (facility or object monitoring) or for easy installation of at least 10 m sensor tubes in small rooms. M u ting material for the sensing coil is included (material poly mide): Support anch r, supp rt anchor plate and bracke . Technical data Length: 5 m Material: teflon Attention: Screw junction to connect the coil to the Teflon tube must be ordered separately End plug set to close the end of the Teflontube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn Technical data Material: brass SC 6/4 PTFE 5 Set For installation in sensing tubes for the monitoring of critical sources (facility or object monitoring) or for easy installation of at least 10 m sensor tubes in small rooms. Mounting material for the sensing coil is included (material polyamide): Support anchor, support anchor plate and bracket. Technical data Length: 5 m Material: teflon Attention: Screw junction to connect the coil to the Teflon tube must be ordered separately

SEC-RE 6-5 CuZn Reduction compression ferrule for SEC-FH 5/3 PA. To be used together with SEC-SJ 6/4 CuZn or SEC-TJ 6/4 CuZn. Reduction compression ferrule for SEC-SJ 6/4 CuZn, SEC-FH 5/3 PA

Adapter-Set PA-Teflon (incl. SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn)

SEC-AD 5-6 CuZn-Set Adapter set to connect the flexible hose SEC-FH 5/3 PA 25

from the ADW with the teflon sensing tube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn, SS3 CuZn

SEC-TJ 6-4 CuZn-Set T-Junction set to connect 3 teflon tubes together. Set includes: TJ 6/4 CuZn, 3x SS4 CuZn T-Junction-Set Teflontube (incl. TJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn)

SEC-SJ 6-4 CuZn-Set Screw junction set to connect 2 teflon tubes together. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, 2x SS4 CuZn Screw junction-Set Teflontube (incl. SJ 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn)

End plug-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) TS 6/4 CuZn-Set E d plug-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) TS 6/4 CuZn-Set

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Securiton Product Catalogue 20 Securiton Product Catalogue 20 Securiton Product Catalogue 20 Securiton Product Catalogue 20 Securiton Product Catalogue 20

Sensing-Coil 6/4PTFE with mounting clip SEC-TS 6-4 CuZn-Set End plug set to close the end of the Teflontube. Set includes: SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn End plug-Set Teflontube (incl SJ 6/4 CuZn, EP 6/4 CuZn, SS4 CuZn) Sensing-Coil 6/4PTFE with mounting clip

SEC-SC 6-4 PTFE 5 Set For installation in sensing tubes for the monitoring of critical sources (facility or object monitoring) or for easy installation of at least 10 m sensor tubes in small rooms. Mounting material for the sensing coil is included (material polyamide) Support anchor, plate and bracket. Sensing-Coil 6/4PTFE with mounting clip


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